I used this day to go to the Gila Ancient Cliff Dwellings.
As the cliff dwellings are about 30 miles away, I rented a car to drive there and back.
The rental was truly worth it. The drive was relaxing and helped me to enjoy the outing that much more.
Being up there, and trying to imagine how the people lived is amazing; a real education.
A person tends to measure all the structures based on our lives today, forgetting that we are a great deal taller than the folk who lived in these dwellings.
Below are the images and videos I took of the caves.
On The Way There
Hiking Up The Mountain
The Caves
Hiking Up The Mountain 1
Hiking Up The Mountain 2
Hiking Up The Mountain 3
Hiking Up The Mountain 4
Approaching The Caves
In The Caves 1
In The Caves 2
View Of The Valley